Monday 29 April 2013

Cycling in the Rain

Cycling in the Rain
Seeing as it’s meant to be Spring, a few basic but always important points about cycling in the rain....
  • Motivation - I always find that, once you’ve started, it’s never as bad as it initially appears through a misty window pane!    
  • Visibility is paramount! Just consider what you can and can’t see when you’re in a car with the windows fogged up and the wiper blades leaving streaks of water across the windscreen. 
  • Braking may take longer than usual.  Wet braking surfaces take longer to slow you, and you generally want to avoid sudden stops on wet roads. Test your brakes before you have to stop to dry the braking surfaces and brake pads.
  • Avoid puddles. They may hide hazards such as deep potholes, large stones etc.  On the other hand, if you don’t care about your bottom bracket too much then flooded streets can be fun to ride through!
  • Pavement markings can be very slippery in the rain.  Same goes for anything metal: manhole covers, grids etc.
  • A small towel is handy.  I keep a small hand towel/ cloth in an easily accessible pocket to wipe the mist from my glasses so I can always see where I’m going!

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